오랜만에 짝꿍이랑 둘이 비스타 워커힐 서울에 위치한 피자힐에 점심 먹으러 갔어요.
Last week, I had lunch at Pizza Hill, which is located in The Vista Walkerhill Seoul Hotel.
- 위치: 서울 광진구 워커힐로 177
- 운영시간: 매일 11:30 ~ 22:00
소지한 신용 카드 중, 무료 발렛 서비스가 가능한 카드가 있어서 이 날 발렛 서비스를 처음 이용해 보았어요. 카드 혜택이 있는 줄 모르고 예전엔 무조건 주차타워로 갔었는데 그럴 필요가 없었더라고요... 정문 로비의 발렛 파킹 부스가 있는데, 문을 열어주고 닫아주는 정중한 호텔식 서비스(?)가 익숙치 않았지만 기분은 좋았습니다 :)
I had a credit card that offered free valet service, so I tried valet parking for the first time. I didn't know about the card's benefits, so I used to go straight to the parking tower. However, it turned out that I didn't need to do that. Although the courteous hotel-style service of opening and closing the door was unfamiliar to me, it felt quite nice.
정문 건너편에 계단 입구가 있는데 피자힐로 가는 지름길이에요. 워커힐 셔틀 서비스를 이용할 수도 있지만, 날씨가 좋아서 운동삼아 계단으로 걸어올라갔습니다.
Across from the main entrance of the hotel, there is a staircase entrance that serves as a shortcut to Pizza Hill. If you prefer not to walk, you can also use the Walkerhill shuttle service. Since the weather was nice that day, I decided to get some exercise and walked up the stairs.
계단수가 적진 않아서 조금 헥헥 거리며 올라갔어요...ㅎㅎ
The staircase had quite a few steps, so I made my way up with a little huffing and puffing.
표지판을 잘 따라가다보면 피자힐은 금방 나오더라고요.
I followed the signs and arrived at Pizza Hill.
주말에 예정된 행사 준비 때문에, 피자힐 건물 앞 주차장은 이용이 불가능했어요. 덕분에 차없는 산뜻한 레스토랑의 모습을 사진에 담을 수 있었어요.
Due to preparations for an event scheduled for the weekend, the parking lot in front of the Pizza Hill building was unavailable. Thanks to that, I could capture the fresh look of the restaurant without any cars in my photos.
1층 입구에서 직원분께 예약 확인 후, 오픈 시간까지 잠시 대기했어요. 둘러보니 포장 주문이 가능한 키오스크가 있더라고요.
After confirming my reservation with a staff member at the ground floor entrance, I waited for a while until the opening time. While looking around, I noticed there was a kiosk for takeout orders.
메뉴판도 있어서, 뭐 먹을지 고민하며 잠시 살펴보았어요.
There was also a menu, so I took a moment to browse it, contemplating what to eat.
오픈 시간이 되니, 바로 입장할 수 있었어요. 식사 좌석은 2층에 있어서 계단으로 올라갔습니다.
When the opening time arrived, I was able to enter. The dining area is located on the second floor, so I had to use the stairs.
사람들이 몰려오기 전에 찰칵! 생각해보니 피자힐은 4년만의 재방문이더라고요.
I snapped a quick photo before the crowd arrived. Come to think of it, it had been four years since my last visit to Pizza Hill.
짝꿍이 예약을 일찍해준 덕에 뷰 좋은 테이블에서 맑은 한강뷰를 바라보며 식사할 수 있었어요. 마침 국군의 날 행사하는 모습도 볼 수 있어서 운이 좋았답니다 :)
Thanks to my husband's early reservation, we were able to enjoy our meal at a table with a beautiful view of the clear Han River. It was fortunate that we could also see the Armed Forces Day event taking place at the same time.
저희는 커플 세트를 주문했어요. 커플 세트는 커플 샐러드, 피자(S), 파스타 1종 그리고 음료 2잔으로 구성되어있어요. 음료는 콜라와 스프라이트를 1개씩 주문했습니다.
We ordered the COUPLE SET. The COUPLE SET includes a Couple Salad, a Small Size Pizza, one type of Pasta, and two Drinks. We ordered one Coke and one Sprite for our beverages.
가장 처음 서빙된 문어 샐러드. 신선한 야채 위에 큼직한 문어가 얇게 슬라이스 되어있어요. 드레싱도 상큼해서 좋았어요. 예전엔 무조건 연어 샐러드를 먹었었는데, 요즘은 문어가 맛있더라고요. 나이 들며 입맛이 바뀌는 것도 신기해요. 드레싱도 여분으로 준비해 주셔서 더 맛있게 먹을 수 있었습니다.
The first dish served was the Octopus Salad. It had fresh vegetables topped with thinly sliced, generous portions of octopus. The dressing was also refreshing and delightful. I used to always go for salmon salad in the past, but nowadays, I found octopus to be delicious. It's fascinating how our tastes can change as we get older. They even provided extra dressing, which made it even more enjoyable.
두번째로 서빙된 갈릭 새우 피자. 배달 피자와는 다르게 새우 토핑이 정말 듬뿍 올려져있어요.
The second dish served was the Garlic Shrimp Pizza. Unlike delivery pizzas, this one had a generous amount of shrimp toppings.
피자힐이라, 역시 피자가 제일 맛있더라고요. 설명이 필요없는 JMT.
Absolutely, given the name "Pizza Hill," it's no surprise that the pizza was the standout and the most delicious item on the menu.
셋 중에서는 제 입맛에 가장 아쉬웠던 건 전복 오일 파스타였어요. 물론 재료가 굉장히 신선하고 전복이 큼직하게 썰어져 들어가있긴합니다. 하지만 요즘 집에서 파스타를 종류별로 자주 만들어먹어서인지 아주 특별하게 느껴지진 않더라고요. 오히려 예전에 먹었던 크랩 파스타가 더 기억에 남았어요.
Of the three dishes, the one I found somewhat disappointing was the Abalone Oil Pasta. While the ingredients were very fresh, and the abalone was generously sliced, it didn't strike me as particularly special. Perhaps it's because I've been making and eating various types of pasta at home quite often lately. Strangely, I remember the crab pasta I had in the past more vividly.
배가 부르다면서 그래도 남김없이 다 먹었어요...ㅎㅎ 소식좌 아들도 함께 와서 먹었다면 양이 딱 맞았을 것 같은 느낌. Despite feeling full, I managed to finish everything... If my son had joined us, it would have been just the right amount.
피자힐은 언제와도 맛있네요. 날씨도, 식사도, 앉았던 테이블 뷰도 다 만족스러운 날이었습니다 :)
Pizza Hill always serves delicious food, no matter when I visit. It was a fulfilling day with fantastic weather, a delightful meal, and a beautiful view from our table.