할시온 데이즈 HALCYON DAYS [Salamander Cream & Gold Bangle]
얼마 전, 광뉴(KWANGNEW)라는 쇼핑몰에서 샘플 세일을 진행하더라고요. 눈독 들여오던, 할시온 데이즈 액세서리가 포함되어 있길래 고민하다가 크림 색상 뱅글을 하나 구매해 보았어요.
A while ago, there was a sample sale at a shopping mall called KWANGNEW. I noticed that some accessories from Halcyon Days were on sale. I've been eyeing those bangles for quite some time, and eventually, I purchased the Salamander Cream & Gold Bangle.
샘플 세일이라, 포장이 어떻게 올지 걱정스러웠는데 다행히 박스 포장이 되어 왔어요.
As it was a sample sale, I was worried about how the packaging would be, but fortunately, it came in a boxed packaging.
광뉴 로고 스티커도 이렇게 붙여져 있었어요. 리브랜딩 하느라 진행하는 샘플세일이라고 하는데, 향후 어떻게 변할지 궁금합니다 :)
The KWANGNEW logo sticker was attached to the package like this. The shopping mall mentioned it's sample sale as part of their rebranding. I'm curious about how it will change in the future.
교환/환불이 불가한 상품이라, 문의사항 및 후기에 대한 안내 카드가 들어있었어요.
Because it's a product that cannot be exchanged or refunded, there was an information card included regarding inquiries and reviews.
후기 이벤트는 인스타그램으로만 진행하기에 블로그 후기는 의미 없지만...ㅎㅎㅎ 저는 기록차원으로 남겨봅니다 :)
Given that the review event is exclusively happening on Instagram, creating a blog review might not hold much significance... However, I'm leaving one for the sake of keeping a record.
구입한 뱅글의 브랜드는, 할시온 데이즈. 할시온 데이즈는 영국 왕실 인증 허가 브랜드(Royal Warrant)로, 로고 위에 왕실 휘장이 보이죠. 실제로 케이트 미들턴이 직접 스타일링한 모습을 자주 볼 수 있는데, 로열 워런트는 브랜드의 품질을 보증해주기도 하지만 일종의 마케팅 효과도 있는 것 같아요.
Halcyon Days is a brand with the Royal Warrant. The Royal Warrant is a mark of recognition given to certain companies or tradespeople who have supplied goods or services to the Royal Family in the UK for a specific period of time. It's a prestigious endorsement and indicates a high standard of quality and service.
뚜껑을 열어보니 먼지가 묻은 더스트백에 뱅글이 들어있었어요...ㅎㅎㅎ
I found the bangle inside a dustbag that was covered with some dust..
제가 구입한 디자인은 Salamander Cream & Gold Bangle로, 현지에서의 정가는 165파운드예요. 지금 환율로 약 27만 원대인데, 세일가 15만9천원에 구입할 수 있었어요.
디자인은 명품 못지않으나, 가격대는 일반 명품 브랜드보다 많이 합리적인 편이에요.
The design I purchased is the Salamander Cream & Gold Bangle, and its regular price locally is £165. With the current exchange rate, it's approximately in the range of 270,000 won. However, I was able to purchase it at a discounted price of around 159,000 won. The design is luxurious, comparable to high-end brands, but the price range is much more reasonable than typical luxury brands.
18ct 도금 제품인데, 생각보다 흠집이 좀 많은 편이었어요. 샘플 세일이라 당연히 새 상품 컨디션을 기대한 건 아니지만, 가까이서 보면 지못미.... 다음부턴 웬만하면 새 상품으로 구매해야겠어요.
It's a product with an 18ct gold plating, and surprisingly, it had more scratches than I expected. Given that it was a sample sale, I wasn't expecting a brand-new condition, but up close, it's a bit noticeable... From now on, I'd better purchase new items if possible...
동그란 부분을 살짝 눌러주면 클립이 열립니다 :)
If you gently press the round part, the clip opens.
저의 첫 뱅글이기도 하고 가장 무난하게 스타일링하기 좋아 보여서 고른 크림 색상인데, 종류별로 여러 개 겹쳐서 해도 예쁠 거 같아요.
I chose the cream color because it seems versatile for styling. I think it would look nice layering several of them, too.
반팔 입어야 팔찌도 잘 보이고 스타일링하기 더 좋은데, 날씨가 이젠 쌀쌀해져서 약간 아쉬워요...ㅎㅎㅎ
Wearing short sleeves would make the bracelet more visible, but too bad the weather has become a bit chilly now..
기회가 되면 디자인 별로 하나씩 모아보고 싶은 할시온 데이즈 뱅글입니다 :)