오키나와 맛집_우미카지 테라스 Umikaji Terrace [Marcy's Okinawa]
우미카지 테라스에서 식사하는 동안, 사람들이 아이스크림을 들고 다니는 모습을 많이 봤어요. 백미당스럽게 생겨서 어느 집에서 파는 걸까 궁금해져서 찾아보았는데, 'Marcy's Okinawa'라는 디저트 가게였어요.
While dining at Taco Rice Cafe Kijimuna, I saw many people carrying ice cream cones. It looked delicious, so I looked it up, and found the dessert cafe called 'Marcy's Okinawa.'
- 주소: Japan, 〒901-0233 Okinawa, Tomigusuku, Senaga, 174−6
해가 지고 깜깜해진 모습. 10월 말 오키나와의 일몰 시각은 5시 50분 경이라 한국과 비슷했어요.
After the sunset, it quickly became dark. In late October, the sunset time in Okinawa is around 5:50 P.M., which is similar to Korea.
바나나 주스가 메인인 디저트 가게라, 노랑노랑하게 꾸며져 있었어요. 저녁 먹고 방문했더니 주스는 솔드아웃... 하지만 아이스크림을 먹고 싶어서 찾아간 곳이니 아쉽진 않았습니다 :)
It was a dessert shop with banana juice as the main menu, so it was decorated in various shades of yellow. When I visited after dinner, unfortunately, the juice was sold out. However, since I was craving ice cream, I didn't feel too disappointed.
주문하려고 보니 크로플도 판매하고 계셔서, 메이플 크로플도 하나 샀어요.
I noticed that they also sold croffles, so I bought a maple croffle as well.
휴양지 감성 뿜뿜... 여기서도 저희는 테라스에 앉아 먹었어요. 고양이들이 종종 보이더라고요.
We also sat on the terrace here and enjoyed our ice cream. I spotted some cats outside.
조금 기다리니 바로 나온 소금 우유 아이스크림! 짭짤하고 달콤한 아이스크림이었어요. 콘도 바삭바삭하니 맛있더라고요.
The salt milk ice cream came out right away, after I ordered it. It was a delightful combination of salty and sweet. The cone was also wonderfully crispy.
크로플도 달달해서 아이스크림과 궁합이 좋았어요. 이렇게 먹고 호텔 가서 컵라면을 또 먹었다지요...? 여행 왔으니 먹고 싶은 건 다 먹고 가는 게 목표ㅋㅋ
The croffle was also sweet, I really enjoyed it with my ice cream. I had quite a meal, but I also had cup ramen when I got to the hotel... Everything seems so delicious when I'm on a trip.
옆집에는 알로하스러운 소품가게가 있어서 구경해 보았어요. 가격대가 생각보다 있어서 구경만 하고 살포시 내려놓았습니다...ㅎㅎ
Next door, there was a charming souvenir shop with Hawaii-themed items, so I decided to take a look. The price range was a bit higher than I had expected, so I just browsed...
오키나와는 휴양지라 여유있게 놀고 쉬다 갈줄 알았는데 생각보다 일정이 꽤 바빠서, 쇼핑할 시간이 없더라고요. 아메리칸 빌리지에 위치한 쇼핑몰도 오후 8시면 문을 닫는 곳이 대부분이었어요. 첫 날 부지런히 우미카지 테라스에 가길 잘했다는 생각이 들었습니다 :)
I thought Okinawa would be a leisurely place to relax and have fun, but it turned out our schedule was quite busy, and I didn't have much time for shopping. Most of the malls located in American Village closed by 8 P.M. in the afternoon. It was a relief we went to Umikaji Terrace on the first day!