홍제역 중화요리집 [이화원]
홍제동에는 캐주얼한 중화요리집이 많은데요, 지난주 이화원이라는 곳에 처음 가보았어요.
In Hongje-dong, there are many casual Chinese restaurants. Last week I tried a place called Ehwawon for the first time.
- 위치: 서울 서대문구 통일로37길 19 2층 (홍제동)
이화원은 홍제역 3번 출구에서 가까워요. 주차장은 별도로 없어서, 가까운 서울예술실용전문학교 주차장(유료)을 이용하는 걸 추천드려요. 건물 2층에 위치해서, 계단을 이용해서 올라가야합니다.
Ehwawon is conveniently located near Hongje Station Exit 3. As there is no parking available within the building, I recommend using the nearby Seoul Arts-Occupational Training College parking lot. The restaurant is located on the 2nd floor of the building, so you need to use the stairs to go up.
동네에 꽤 오랜시간 자리하고 있던 곳인 것 같은데, 내부는 깔끔했어요. 평일 오후 4시 조금 넘어서 도착했더니 매우 한산하더라고요. 브레이크 타임은 없이 운영되고 있었어요.
It seems to be a place that has been in the neighborhood for quite a long time, and the interior was neat. I arrived a little after 4 P.M. on a weekday, and it was surprisingly quiet. They were operating without taking a break.
테이블에는 수저통과 티슈, 간장, 식초, 고춧가루 등이 준비되어있었어요.
On the table, there were utensils, tissues, soy sauce, vinegar, and red pepper flakes prepared.
주문 후 김치와 단무지, 양파를 기본으로 서빙해주셨어요.
After placing the order, they served kimchi, pickled radish, and onions as the basic side dishes.
주문했던 요리 중 제일 맛있게 먹었던 탕수육! 소스가 이렇게 뿌려져서 나와요. 소스가 많이 달지 않고 맛있더라고요.
Personally, I really enjoyed the sweet and sour pork! The sauce was drizzled over it like this. It wasn't too sweet, and it was really delicious.
저랑 짝꿍은 짜장면을 주문했어요. 소스에 야채와 고기가 넉넉하게 들어있어 맛있게 먹었어요.
My husband and I ordered black bean noodles. The sauce had plenty of vegetables and meat, making it very tasty.
아이는 볶음밥을 시켜줬는데, 입이 짧아서 역시나 반만 먹고 거의 남긴.....ㅠㅠ
My child ordered fried rice, but due to his short appetite, as expected, he only ate about half and left the rest...
볶음밥과 함께 나온 짬뽕 국물이에요. 느끼할 때 한 숟가락씩 떠먹기 좋아요.
This is the jjamppong broth that came with the fried rice. It's nice to have a spoonful of it when you want something spicy.
서비스로 튀김만두도 한접시 받았습니다. 바삭바삭하게 튀겨져서 간장에 고춧가루 톡톡 뿌려서 찍어먹으니 맛있었어요.
The staff kindly offered a plate of fried dumplings as a complimentary service. They were crispy and delicious, especially when dipped in soy sauce with a sprinkle of red pepper flakes.
홍제동은 얼핏보면 먹을 곳이 없어보이지만, 찾아보면 골목골목 꽤 식당이 많아요. 이화원은 가격이 착하고 맛있어서, 짜장면 생각날 때 한번 씩 방문하면 괜찮겠다는 생각이 들었어요 :)
Hongje-dong may not seem to have many dining options, but if you explore the alleys, you'll find quite a few restaurants. Ehwawon, with its reasonable prices and delicious food, left me thinking that it's a good place to visit occasionally, especially when I crave black bean noodles.