서대문/독립문역 중식이 맛있는 집 [메이탄 종로점]
아드님 입학식 날, 가족들과 중식 먹으러 메이탄에 갔어요. 메이탄 종로점은 경희궁 자이 3단지 앞 상가에 위치해있어요. 저희는 룸으로 예약해두고, 2층 자리로 안내받았습니다.
Last March, I went to a Chinese restaurant called Meitan for lunch with my family. The Meitan Jongno branch is located in front of the Kyunghee Palace Xi apartment complex. We had made a reservation for a room in advance, and we were directed to seating on the second floor.
- 위치: 서울 종로구 경교장1길 17 (교남동)
자리에는 단무지, 짜사이, 양배추 절임이 셋팅되어 있었어요.
At the table, there were pickled radishes, zha cai, and pickled cabbage. (Zha cai is a type of pickled vegetable commonly used in Chinese cuisine.)
테이블 매트와 수저가 놓인 모습도 한 장 찍어보고, 주문한 음식을 기다렸어요. 평일 점심 룸으로 예약할 경우 코스를 주문하거나, 인당 주문해야하는 최소 금액이 정해져 있었는데 정신없던 하루라 기억이 가물가물합니다...
I also took a picture of the table setting with the placemats and utensils, then waited for the dishes to arrive. On weekdays for lunch in the reserved room, there's usually a set course to order or a minimum amount per person required. It was a hectic day, so my memory of the details is a bit hazy...
이 날 먹었던 음식 중 가장 맛있었던 건 팔보채였어요. 해물도 부드럽고 양념도 적당히 매콤하고 맛있더라고요. (소)자로 주문해서 몇입 더 먹지 못한 게 아쉬웠습니다...ㅎㅎ
The most delicious dish I had that day was definitely the Palbochae (Stir-fried Seafood with Vegetables & Hot Sauce). The seafood was tender, and the seasoning was very tasty with just the right amount of spiciness. We ordered it in a small portion, and I regret not being able to have a few more bites...
아이가 탕수육 노래를 불러서 주문한 찹쌀 탕수육. 소스가 부먹으로 나와요.
We ordered the Chapssal Tangsuyuk (Sweet and Sour Crispy Pork), one of my child's favorite dishes. The sauce was served poured over the pork.
꽤 매콤했던 깐풍기- 맥주 생각이 살짝 나는 튀김 요리에요.
The Kkanpunggi (Fried Chicken with Garlic Sauce) was quite spicy. It's a deep-fried dish that slightly reminds me of beer.
아이랑 같이 먹기 위해 새우볶음밥도 1개 주문했어요. 탱글탱글한 새우가 듬뿍 들어가서 맛있었어요. 사진에는 없지만 짜장면도 주문했었는데, 짜장 소스도 제 입맛에 잘 맞더라고요.
To enjoy with my child, we also ordered a serving of Shrimp Fried Rice. It was delicious, loaded with plenty of shrimp. Though I didn't manage to snap a picture, we also ordered Jjajangmyeon, and the black bean sauce was equally delightful.
볶음밥 주문하니 계란탕도 챙겨주셨어요. 밥과 부드럽게 곁들여먹기 좋았어요.
Since we ordered fried rice, the staff brought a bowl of Egg Soup. It was perfect for pairing with the rice, adding a comforting touch.
서비스로 군만두도 8조각 나왔어요.
They also served complimentary fried dumplings, eight pieces in total.
후식으로는 딸기 퓨레가 나왔어요. 매장에서 직접 딸기를 얼려서 갈아만든 느낌인데 입가심하기 좋은 달달한 메뉴였습니다.
For dessert, strawberry puree was served. It felt like the staff had freshly frozen and blended the strawberries in-house, creating a sweet treat perfect for finishing the meal.
포스팅하며 찾아보니 메이탄은 곳곳에 체인이 있는 중식당이더라고요. 팔보채 포함, 음식이 전반적으로 맛있어서 아이 학교 행사가 있는 날 종종 방문하면 괜찮겠다는 생각이 들었어요.
While posting, I discovered that Meitan is actually a chain restaurant with multiple locations. Given the tasty food, including the Palbochae, I thought it would be a good idea to visit occasionally on days when my child has school events.