서초 예술의 전당 베트남 쌀국수 전문점 [바노이/BANOI]
아이의 첫 바이올린을 사러 서초동 갔던 날, "바노이"라는 베트남 쌀국수 전문점에서 점심 식사를 했어요.
Last March, I went to Seocho-dong to purchase my child's first violin. We had lunch at a Vietnamese rice noodle restaurant called 'Banoi.'
위치는 예술의 전당 건너 편, 반포대로변에 있어요.
The restaurant is located near the Seoul Arts Center, on Banpo-daero.
- 주소: 서울 서초구 반포대로 10 1층 (서초동)
지나다니면서 늘 보던 식당이지만, 직접 가본 건 처음이었어요. 내부는 층고도 높고 화사하더라고요.
Although I had always passed by this restaurant, it was my first time actually going inside. The interior was bright and spacious.
한 쪽 벽면에는 알록달록한 그림도 그려져있어요. 사진 찍으니 더 예쁘네요 :)
On one side of the wall, colorful paintings caught my eye with their vibrant hues.
주문은 테이블에 놓인 태블릿으로 할 수 있어요. 저희는 양지 쌀국수와 분짜, 그리고 넴(2P)을 주문했어요.
Orders can be placed using the tablets placed on the tables. We ordered Beef rice noodles, Bun Cha (grilled pork with cold noodles), and two pieces of Neum.
아이와 같이 방문하니, 어린이 식기도 준비해주셨어요.
Since I visited with my child, the staff kindly prepared children's utensils.
양파 절임이나 숙주 등의 토핑은 셀프 코너에서 먹을만큼 가져올 수 있도록 준비되어있어요.
Toppings like pickled onions or bean sprouts are prepared in a self-service corner. You can take as much as you like to add to your meal.
셀프 코너에 후식용 요구르트도 있어서 아이가 좋아하더라고요.
There's also yogurt available in the self-service corner for dessert, which my child enjoyed.
뜨끈하게 서빙된 양지 쌀국수 :) 쌀국수는 날이 추웠던지라 더 맛있었어요.
I enjoyed the beef noodle soup, especially since the weather was quite cold that day.
신선한 야채가 듬뿍 들어간 분짜도 맛있게 먹었어요. 셀프 코너에서 앞접시를 추가로 가져올 수 있어, 저는 소스를 덜어서 짝꿍이랑 나눠먹었습니다.
I also enjoyed the delicious Bun Cha, which was packed with plenty of fresh vegetables. Since you can take additional plates from the self-service corner, I was able to divide the sauce and share it with my husband.
넴은 베트남식 튀김 만두인데요, 아드님이 좋아하는 메뉴 중 하나라 추가했어요. 반씩 잘라져 있어 먹기가 편했습니다.
Neum is a Vietnamese-style fried dumpling, and it's one of my child's favorite dishes. It was served cut in half, which made it easy to eat.
이 날 샀던 바이올린으로 벌써 작은별 연주도 하고 있어, 지난 두 달간 얼마나 많은 일이 있었는지 실감이 나네요. 바노이는 만족스럽게 식사했던 곳이라 악기 정비가 필요한 날 재방문해보아야겠습니다 :)
With the violin I purchased that day, my child is already playing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," and it makes me realize how much has happened in the past two months. Since we had such a satisfying meal at Banoi, I should consider revisiting it on the day when the instrument needs maintenance...!