KITH Women [Mott New York Tee II - Sandy Heather]
올 여름, 정말 잘 입고 다닌 아이템인 Kith 티셔츠. 쇼핑을 많이 안 한다 생각했는데, 사진 정리하다보니 소소하게 이것저것 지르긴했네요...
This is one of my favorite T-shirts I picked up this summer. I didn’t think I shopped much, but looking back, I realized I ended up with a few things here and there...
올 여름 성수동에서 가장 핫했던 곳 중 하나였던 Kith 매장. 저는 사실 못 가봤고, 패션에 관심 많은 짝꿍이 방문했었어요. 30분 정도 웨이팅해서, 구경하고 제 티셔츠 하나 득템해줬더랍니다...
위 사진의 티셔츠 2개 중에서 고민하다가, 오른쪽의 Mott New York Tee II로 샀어요.
The Kith store in Seongsu-dong was one of the hottest spots this summer. I didn’t make it there myself, but my fashion-savvy husband visited. After a 30-minute wait, he browsed around and picked up a T-shirt for me.
He chose between the two T-shirts in the photo and ended up getting the one on the right, the Mott New York Tee II.
빳빳한 곤색 쇼핑백에 예쁘게 포장되어 온 티셔츠.
The T-shirt arrived neatly packaged in a crisp navy shopping bag.
습자지로도 한겹 곱게 포장되어있었어요.
It was also wrapped in a layer of tissue paper.
Mott New York Tee는 컬러가 다양하게 출시되었는데, 저는 sandy heather라는 크림톤의 컬러로 샀어요.
The Mott New York Tee came in a variety of colors, but I chose it in a cream-toned shade called "Sandy Heather."
약간 박시한 디자인이라, XS을 입어도 넉넉해요. 소재는 면 100%라 집에서 울코스로 살살 빨아주고 있습니다.
It has a slightly oversized design, so even in an XS, it fits comfortably. Made from 100% cotton, I've been gently washing it at home on the delicate cycle.
컬러감 예쁘죠. 올 여름 가장 즐겨입은 티셔츠이지만, New York이라 써 있어서 LA여행에는 가져가지 않았다는 사실....
It’s been my favorite T-shirt this summer, but since it says “New York” on it, I didn’t bring it on my trip to LA....
Kith가 크게 써있지만, 부담스러울 정도의 로고는 아니라서 예뻐요. 청바지랑 무난하게 입기에도 예쁘고, 데일리 아이템으로 찰떡이었습니다 :)
While "Kith" is prominently displayed, the logo isn’t overwhelming, which makes it really nice. It pairs beautifully with jeans and has been a perfect staple in my daily wardrobe.