대한항공 KE755, KE756 일반석 기내식 [인천↔️나하]
나의 두번째 오키나와 여행기 기록.
이번에는 어르신들 모시고 다녀왔어요. 어르신들과 함께하다보니, 시행착오를 최대한 줄일 수 있는 익숙하고 가까운 여행지를 선택하게 되었는데요. 참, 다시 가도 좋은 곳이라는 생각이 들었어요.
This was my second trip to Okinawa.
This time, I traveled with my in-laws. Since I was accompanying them, I chose a familiar and nearby destination to minimize any potential mishaps. Once again, I felt that Okinawa is truly a place worth revisiting.
이번에는 진에어가 아닌, 대한항공 KE755와 KE756 항공편을 이용했어요. 연말이라 인천공항이 복잡하긴 하더라고요. 모닝캄 회원이라 그나마 빠르게 체크인하고, 교통약자 출구를 이용할 수 있었는데도 출국 심사를 마치기까지 꼬박 1시간 걸렸던 것 같아요.
This time, instead of flying with Jin Air, I booked a reservation with Korean Air. Since it was the end of the year, Incheon Airport was quite crowded. As a Morning Calm member, I was able to check in quickly and use the special exit for passengers with reduced mobility. Even so, it took nearly an hour to get through immigration.
항공권 예약 당시에는 기종이 B737-8이었으나, 약 두달 전에 A321-neo로 변경이 되었어요. 좌석은 3-3구조로, 최신 기종이라 내부가 깔끔했습니다. 좌석마다 설치된 스크린도 터치가 잘되고 화질이 좋았어요.
When I booked the flight, the aircraft was originally listed as a B737-8, but about two months before departure, it was changed to an A321-neo. The cabin had a 3-3 seating configuration and, as a newer model, felt clean and modern. The seatback screens were highly responsive and featured excellent picture quality.
비행시간이 길지 않아 특별 기내식은 따로 주문하지 않고, 일반식을 먹었어요.
굴소스의 해산물 요리가 메인으로 나오고, 고구마 아몬드 샐러드와 치즈빵, 버터, 파인애플로 구성되어 있었어요. 빵이 치즈맛이라 개인적으로는 조금 아쉬웠어요. 음료는 토마토 주스를 선택했습니다.
Since the flight wasn’t very long, I didn’t order a special meal and opted for the standard in-flight meal. The main dish was a Stir-fried Seafood with Oyster Sauce, served with a sweet potato almond salad, cheese-flavored bread, butter, and pineapple. For my drink, I chose tomato juice.
메인요리는 살짝 느끼했지만, 고추장을 뿌려먹으면 맛있더라고요.
The main dish was a bit rich, but it tasted great when paired with a drizzle of gochujang (Korean red pepper paste).
인천에서 출발하는 어린이 탑승 선물은 여전히 뽀로로 두들북 :) 아이가 호텔에서 열심히 갖고 놀았네요.
아이를 위해 특별 기내식은 아동식 스파게티로 선택했었는데, 정신이 없어서 따로 기록하진 못했어요.
The children's boarding gift on the flight departing from Incheon was still the Pororo Doodle Book. My child had a great time playing with it at the hotel. I had selected a special children's meal, which was spaghetti, but it was such a busy time that I wasn’t able to take a photo of it separately.
나하 공항도 연말이라 꽤 복잡하더라고요. 1차로 지문과 사진을 먼저 찍은 후, 2차로 입국 심사를 거치고, 여행 첫날부터 아름다운 오키나와 날씨를 만끽할 수 있었어요.
Naha Airport was also quite busy since it was the year-end. We first had our fingerprints and photos taken, then went through immigration. From the very first day of the trip, we were able to enjoy the beautiful Okinawa weather.
인천으로 돌아오는 KE756편은 턴어라운드 항공기라 동일한 기종이었어요. (선업튀 9화는 언제 업데이트 되려나...)
The return flight, KE756, was a turnaround aircraft, so it was the same model.
기내식 메뉴는 소불고기찜이었어요. 구성은 거의 동일했고, 빵만 호밀빵(?) 같은 느낌이었어요.
The in-flight meal was Braised Beef with Bulgogi Sauce. The side dishes were almost the same as before, with the only difference being the plain rye bread.
소불고기찜의 고기가 부드럽고 맛있더라고요. 고추장이 없어도 맛있게 잘 먹어서, 남은 고추장 챙겨오는 걸 깜빡했습니다...ㅜ
The beef was tender and delicious. It was so tasty even without gochujang, that I completely forgot to bring the leftover gochujang with me..
나하 갈 때는 못 마셨던 커피도 마시고요. 프림과 설탕도 다 받아서 넣었어요 :)
I also got to enjoy the coffee I couldn't have when we went to Naha. I made sure to grab both the cream and sugar to add to it.
어린이 탑승 선물은 몇 살까지 주는 건지 궁금하긴하네요. 돌아올 때는 라니와 봉봉을 만들 수 있는 키트를 받았어요.
On the flight returning to Incheon, my child received a kit that allows you to make characters from the Tayo bus series. (Lani and Bongbong)
여행 중간중간 자잘한 이벤트가 있었지만, 무탈없이 다녀오고 살아가는 일상에 감사하며...🙏
아이의 방학이 시작되어 정신이 없는 요즘인데, 여행기는 천천히 기록해볼게요.