오키나와 일본 가정식 맛집 YAYOIKEN [야요이켄 차탄미하마점/やよい軒 北谷美浜店]
호텔 도착하며 한바탕 에피소드를 겪는 바람에, 체크인 후에는 꽤 지쳐있었어요. 가까운 곳에 든든하게 먹을 수 있는 밥집을 찾아보다가, '야요이켄'이라는 일본 가정식 식당에 방문하게 되었습니다.
I was pretty exhausted after checking into our hotel, so I looked for a nearby place where we could have a hearty meal with rice. We ended up visiting a Japanese home-style restaurant called 'Yayoiken.'
- 주소: 2 Chome-1ー6 Mihama, Chatan, Nakagami District, Okinawa 904-0115, Japan
베셀 호텔에서는 약 15분 정도 걸어서 도착했고, 앞에 주차공간도 널찍하게 있는 곳이에요.
It was about a 15-minute walk from the Vessel Hotel, and the restaurant also had a spacious parking area in front.
저녁에는 꽤 늦게까지 영업을 하더라고요. 12월의 오키나와는 일몰 시간이 오후 5시 40분경이라, 우리나라랑 비슷했어요. 6시쯤 갔더니 벌써 깜깜한 모습.
'Teishoku'가 무슨 뜻인가 했더니, 트레이에 밥과 국, 반찬이 정식으로 나오는 요리더라고요.
In December, the sunset time in Okinawa is around 5:40 PM, similar to Korea. By the time we arrived at around 6 PM, it was already completely dark.
I was curious about the meaning of 'Teishoku,' and it turns out to be a set meal served on a tray with rice, soup, and side dishes.
주문은 입구의 키오스크로 할 수 있는데요, 다행히 영어 메뉴가 있어서 어렵지 않게 이용했어요. 결제방식은 현금/카드 둘 다 가능했고요. 가격은 밥과 미소된장국이 같이 나오는 세트가 1,000엔 전후라, 합리적인 편이었습니다.
Orders can be placed at a kiosk near the entrance, and thankfully, there was an English menu, making it easy to use. Both cash and card payments were accepted. The price was quite reasonable, with a set meal including rice and miso soup costing around 1,000 yen.
주문 후에는 직원분이 테이블로 영수증과 주문내역을 확인하러 오셨어요.
After placing the order, a staff member came to our table to confirm the receipt and order details.
테이블에는 젓가락과 각종 소스, 티슈 등이 있고 반찬으로 먹을 수 있는 배추 절임도 있었어요.
The table was set with chopsticks, various sauces, tissues, and a small dish of pickled napa cabbage that could be enjoyed as a side.
셀프 코너에는, 밥을 오차즈케처럼 즐길 수 있도록 육수와 녹차가 준비되어 있고, 흰 쌀밥을 리필할 수 있는 기계도 있었어요. 숟가락도 필요할 경우 여기서 가져가면 됩니다.
At the self-service corner, warm broth and green tea were provided for enjoying your rice as ochazuke, and there was also a machine for refilling white rice. If you needed a spoon, you could pick one up there as well.
음식은 서빙 로봇이 가져다주더라고요. 일본은 아날로그가 많은 듯하지만, 무인 서비스도 많이 늘어났어요.
The food was brought to the table by a serving robot. While Japan is known for its many analog aspects, unmanned services have been increasing quite a bit.
여행 직전부터 속이 좋지 않다며 고생한 짝꿍은 스끼야끼 정식을 먹었어요. 따뜻하고 자극적이지 않아 맛있다하더라고요.
My husband, who had been feeling unwell since just before the trip, had the sukiyaki set meal. He said it was delicious, as it was warm and not too spicy or overpowering.
아이는 함박 스테이크를 주문했어요. 여행 내내 함박만 몇 개를 먹었는지....
My child ordered a hamburger steak.
저는 소고기 정식을 주문했는데요, 파파고 돌려보니 우설이라고 나오는데... 정확한 부위는 모르겠어요. 레몬즙을 솔솔 뿌려서 유자 소스, 와사비 소스와 곁들여 먹으니 맛있었어요.
I ordered a beef set meal, and when I used Papago to translate, it came up as "ox tongue," but I'm not entirely sure about the exact cut. It was delicious, especially when I squeezed some lemon juice over it and paired it with yuzu sauce and wasabi sauce.
요 세트가 1390엔이었는데, 너무 든든하고 괜찮았습니다. 셀프 코너에서 받은 육수를 밥에 말아서 같이 먹어도 맛있더라고요.
This set was 1,390 yen, and it was quite satisfying. The broth I got from the self-service corner was great when poured over the rice, making it even more delicious.
내부에는 화장실도 있고, 일본답게 깔끔합니다.
The restaurant also had a restroom inside, and it was very clean, just like you'd expect in Japan.
이렇게 만족스럽게 식사 후, 편의점에 들러 간식거리를 사고, 첫 날을 마무리했어요.
After a satisfying meal, we stopped by a convenience store to pick up some snacks and ended our first day.