대한항공 일반석 기내식 및 어린이 탑승선물 (인천 ↔️ 나리타)
4년 만에 공항 가니 놀랐던 점... 대한항공 카운터가 대부분 셀프 체크인, 셀프 백드롭으로 바뀌었더라고요.
셀프로 바뀌니 다들 처음이라 헤매느라 시간은 더 많이 걸렸어요ㅠㅠ 물론 도와주시는 직원분은 계십니다. 무조건 자동화 기계화로 바뀌는 게 좋기만 한 건지 잘 모르겠어요. (제가 나이 든 걸까요...)
I was surprised to see that most of the Korean Air counters at the Incheon Airport have changed to self-check-in and self-bag-drop. Everyone seemed confused, and it took more time because a lot of people were not used to this system. Of course, there were staff members available to assist. I'm not sure if it's necessarily better for everything to be automated and mechanized. Maybe it's just because I'm getting older...
- 대한항공 일반석 기내식 및 어린이 탑승선물 (Korean Air economy class in-flight meals and children's boarding gifts)
나리타행에 탑승하자마자 받았던 어린이 선물이에요.
I received the children's boarding gift as soon as I boarded the flight to Narita.
뽀로로 두들북인데, 붓펜에 물을 담아 책에 칠하면 그림이 나타나는 장난감이에요.
It's a Pororo doodle book, a toy where you fill the brush pen with water and paint on the book to reveal the pictures.
대한항공에서 원하면 제공해주시는 이어폰. 요즘은 핸드폰의 이 이어폰 잭도 사라져서, 언젠가 이 이어폰도 리뉴얼 될 거 같아요.
Korean Air provides earphones if you request. Nowadays, even the headphone jacks on mobile phones have disappeared, so I think there will be a renewal of these earphones someday.
기내식은 1종류로, 중식 소고기 요리가 나왔어요. 소고기가 올라간 면요리였는데 제 입맛엔 쏘쏘. 4년 만의 비행이라 설레는 마음으로 먹긴 했지만, 고구마 샐러드랑 빵도 퍽퍽하고 살짝 아쉬운 맛이었습니다. 24시간 전에 키즈 메뉴도 미리 주문할 수 있는데 탑승하고나서야 알았어요...😅
There was only one type of in-flight meal, and it was a Chinese-style beef dish. Despite the excitement of my first flight in four years, the sweet potato salad and bread were a bit dry, and the overall taste was slightly disappointing. I also found out that I could have pre-ordered a kids' menu 24 hours in advance. I will definitely keep this in mind for future flights.
인천으로 돌아올 때는 타요 버스의 캐릭터인 라니와 봉봉을 만들 수 있는 키트를 받았어요.
On the flight returning to Incheon, I received a kit that allows you to make characters from the Tayo bus series. (Lani and Bongbong)
돌아올 때도, 기내식은 단일메뉴였고 닭볶음탕이 나왔어요. 구성은 빵/파인애플/샐러드로 비슷하네요. 대신 볶음고추장이 포함되어있었어요.
The in-flight meal was spicy stir-fried chicken. The components were bread, pineapple, and salad. However, it included stir-fried gochujang (red chili pepper paste) as well.
아이가 주스를 두 번 쏟는 바람에 밥이 어디로 들어가는지 모르고, 정신없이 먹고 닦다가 직원 분께 요청해서 받은 원두 커피. 커피 수혈하다보니 벌써 착륙 안내 방송이 나오더라고요.
Due to my child accidentally spilling the orange juice twice, I was so busy cleaning up and eating hastily that I didn't even have a chance to taste my food properly. However, I managed to request and receive a cup of freshly brewed coffee from one of the staff members. As I was sipping my coffee, the announcement for landing preparation came on.
일본은 비행 시간이 짧아서 부담이 없어 좋았어요. 난기류를 만날 때 마다 약간 철렁하긴 했지만, 비행기 타다보면 다시 익숙해지겠죠..ㅋㅋ
오랜만이라 그런지 더욱 즐거운 비행이었습니다🫶
Despite that, I still enjoyed flying to Japan because the flight duration was short, so it wasn't burdensome. Although I felt a bit nervous whenever encountering turbulence, I believe I'll become more accustomed to it as I continue to fly. It was a pleasant flight, especially since it had been a long time since my last one :)