짝꿍이 휴가인 날, 둘이서 오랜만에 브런치를 먹으러 갔어요. 연희동 쿳사는 예전부터 가보고 싶어서 눈독 들이고 있었는데 드디어 방문해보았네요 :)버스를 타고 가도 되지만 이날은 운동삼아 살살 걸어갔어요. 30분 정도 걷다보니 마주한 쿳사.About two weeks ago, I went out to have brunch with my husband. I had been eyeing the brunch cafe 'Coottha' for a while and finally got a chance to visit.We could have taken the bus, but we decided to walk because the weather was quite nice. It took about 30 minute..