도쿄에서의 마지막 날, 신주쿠역에서 출발하는 리무진 버스를 타러가야했기 때문에 아침도 못 챙겨먹고 바삐 움직여야했어요. 공항 도착에서 미리 체크인하고 짐까지 부친 후에야, 밥 먹을 여유가 생기더라고요.On the last day in Tokyo, I had to catch a limousine bus departing from Shinjuku Station. I was so busy that I couldn't find time to have breakfast. It was only after I arrived at the airport that I finally had a chance to eat.Rainy Tokyo... I did not want to leave...주소: Japan, 〒286-01..