여행 셋째 날이었나. 쇠소깍, 캔디원, 삼다목장 등을 돌아다니며 바쁜 하루를 보내고, 저녁은 숙소 근처의 흑돼지집에서 먹었어요. 원래 가려던 곳이 예상치 못하게 문을 닫아서 급하게 전화해 본 후 방문한 곳인데, 깔끔하고 맛있더라고요. On the third day of our trip, we were busy visiting places like Soesokkak River Pool, Candy One, and Cafe Samda Sheep. For dinner, we ate at a black pork restaurant near our hotel. The place we originally planned to go to was unexpectedly closed, so I quickly made a ..