아이의 첫 여름방학을 맞아 미국에 있는 가족들을 만나러 LA에 다녀왔어요. 오랜만에 해보는 장거리 비행이라 많이 걱정했는데, 역시나 나이가 들어서인지 체력적으로 조금 힘들더라고요...😂 그래도 정말 뜻깊은 여름을 보냈습니다 :)I went to LA to visit my family in the U.S. during my child's first summer vacation. I was worried since it had been a long time since I took a long-haul flight, and as expected, it was a bit tough physically—probably because I'm getting older... 😂 But despite that, I ..