얼마 전 홍제동 [다시밥]에 점심 먹으러 다녀왔어요. 다시밥은 "다시, 밥 먹고 힘내"를 줄인 이름이에요. 분식집이지만, 엄마의 손길이 담긴 건강한 요리를 판매하는 곳이라 멀리서도 많이 찾아오시더라고요.I recently visited a restaurant called [Dasibap]. Dasibap is a combination of Korean words, "다시, 밥 먹고 힘내" (dasi, bap meokgo himnae), which translates to "Cheer up, after having this meal." Although it is a fast food restaurant, it is well-known for serving healthy and scrumptious dis..