요즘 신당동을 힙당동이라고 부르더라고요? 짝꿍이 결혼 전에 살았던 동네이기도 하고, 어떻게 바뀌었는지 궁금하다길래 주말에 다녀왔어요. 일단 가장 먼저 가본 곳은, [심세정]이라는 베이커리 카페였습니다 :)Last weekend, I visited 신당동 (Sindang-dong), which is now called 힙당동 (Hipdang-dong) due to the hipsters that visit this area. It's the neighborhood where my husband used to live before we got married. So, we were curious to see how the neighborhood has transformed over time. Our first..