요즘 신당동을 힙당동이라고 부르더라고요? 짝꿍이 결혼 전에 살았던 동네이기도 하고, 어떻게 바뀌었는지 궁금하다길래 주말에 다녀왔어요. 일단 가장 먼저 가본 곳은, [심세정]이라는 베이커리 카페였습니다 :)
Last weekend, I visited 신당동 (Sindang-dong), which is now called 힙당동 (Hipdang-dong) due to the hipsters that visit this area. It's the neighborhood where my husband used to live before we got married. So, we were curious to see how the neighborhood has transformed over time. Our first stop was a bakery cafe called [심세정].

사람 이름 같기도 한데...ㅎㅎㅎ
'마음을 씻고 편히 머무는 정자'라는 뜻을 가진 이름이라고 해요. 2017년 7월 오픈했다고 써있었어요. (신당이 힙당이 될 줄 알고 생긴걸까요..??)
주차 공간은 별도로 없어서, 저희는 근처의 성동공고 공영주차장을 이용했어요. 여기는 현대카드 주말 무료 주차 혜택을 받을 수 있는 곳이에요.
신당역 12번 출구에서 3분 정도 거리라, 대중교통으로 가기에도 편한 위치입니다.
The name of the cafe seemed like a person's name... But they say it's a name that means 'a place to refresh and stay comfortably.' It said it opened in July 2017. I wonder if it was created with the anticipation of 신당 becoming 힙당.
Since there is no parking space available, we used the nearby Seongdonggonggo Public Parking Lot. This location offers free weekend parking benefits to Hyundai Card users. The cafe is also conveniently accessible via public transportation. It's situated approximately a 3-minute walk from Exit 12 of Sindang Subway Station.
- 위치: 서울 중구 퇴계로 409-11 1층 (흥인동)

포토존인 줄로만 알았는데, 왼쪽에 하얀/노란 의자도 좌석이었어요.
I thought this place was just a photospot, but the seats with white and yellow chairs on the left side were available as well.

공간이 독특하고 예쁘다보니, 쇼핑몰 촬영도 많이 하러 오시나봐요. 곳곳에 과도한 쇼핑몰 촬영은 금지해달라고 써 있었어요.
Since the space is unique and beautiful, it seems that many people come here for shopping mall photoshoots. There were signs stating that excessive shopping mall photography is prohibited throughout the area.

음료 메뉴는 커피 이외에도, 밀크티, 허브티 그리고 에이드 등 다양한 편이에요. 저는 아침에 커피를 한 잔 마셔서 디카페인 1잔이랑 피치 아이스티를 1잔 주문했어요.
The beverage menu offers a variety of options besides coffee, including milk tea, herbal tea, and fruit ade. For myself, I ordered a cup of decaffeinated coffee, and for my child, I ordered a peach iced tea.

베이커리류도 정말 다양했어요. 먹어보진 못했지만 잠봉뵈르도 맛이 넘나 궁금하고요.
The variety of bakery items was truly impressive. Although I haven't had the chance to try it, I'm really curious about the taste of the "잠봉뵈르" (Jambon Beurre).

부드러워보이는 케이크류도 있고,
There were also cakes that looked extremely soft.

카야 버터랑 누텔라 트위스트도 궁금...
(먹어보고 싶지만, 이 날 주문하지 않은 메뉴 위주로 찍음ㅎㅎㅎ)
I'm also curious about the Kaya Butter and Nutella twists... (I took photos mainly of the menu items I didn't order that day, even though I want to try them..)

반듯한 네모모양 레밍턴 케이크도 귀엽.
The neat square-shaped Lamington cake is also adorable.

뺑오 쇼콜라와 크로와상도 사랑이죠...
Pain au Chocolat and croissants are undeniable favorites...

저는 치아바타 슬라이스 해서, 올리브유/발사믹에 찍어먹는 것도 좋아해요. 카운터 앞에 보니 작은 올리브유 병도 판매하시더라고요.
I personally enjoy slicing a ciabatta and dipping it in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I noticed that they also sell small bottles of olive oil near the counter.

물이 필요할 경우 셀프로 가져다 마실 수 있습니다. 아이와 함께 방문하다보니, 내부에 카페 전용 화장실도 있어서 다행이라 생각했어요.
If you need water, you can help yourself at the self-service table. I was relieved to find that there was a restroom inside the cafe, especially since I visited with my child.

처음 자리 잡았던 테라스석, 벽돌을 쌓아 만든 테이블이었어요. 나쁘지 않았는데 벽의 거미줄을 아이가 무서워해서 나중에 일반 테이블 자리로 옮겼어요.
At first, we sat at a table on the terrace that was made with stacked bricks. It was a nice seating option, but my child became scared of the cobwebs on the wall, so we decided to move to a regular table instead.
메뉴들을 맛보니, 베이커리류가 퀄리티가 높은 편이더라고요. 초코 스콘도 퍽퍽함 없이 부드러웠고, 파운드 케익도 많이 달지않고 맛있었어요. 와사비가 들어간 에그 베이컨 머핀도 식사대용으로 괜찮은 메뉴에요.
After tasting the menu items we ordered, I found that the bakery items were of high quality. The chocolate scone was soft and moist, and the pound cake was delicious with just the right amount of sweetness. The egg bacon muffin with wasabi was also a great choice as a meal substitute.
친구 집이 바로 코앞이라 친구도 잠깐 만났는데. 엎어지면 코 닿는 곳에 이렇게 메뉴가 다양한 베이커리 카페가 있어서 부러웠어요ㅎㅎㅎ 우리 동네도 얼른 좋아졌으면 :)
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