루쿠아 쇼핑몰 구경하다가, 아이가 피곤해해서 4층에 위치한 디저트 카페에 가보게 되었어요. 카페 앞의 랄프로렌 매장에 예쁜 옷들 많던데, 그냥 눈에 담아 오기만 했습니다...😂While exploring the Lucua shopping mall, my child started to feel tired, so we decided to visit the dessert cafe located on the 4th floor. There were plenty of lovely clothes in the Ralph Lauren store nearby, but I just admired them with my eyes..위치: Japan, 〒530-0001 Osaka, Kita Ward, Umeda, 3 Chom..