아들이 할아버지댁에 혼자 놀러간 어느 날, 짝꿍이랑 둘이 저녁 먹을 겸 동네 이자카야 안짱에 갔어요 :) 아이 태어나고 이자카야 갈 일이 잘 없는데... 오랜만에 어른 둘이서 가니 술이랑 안주가 더 맛있게 느껴지더라고요☺️My husband and I had an opportunity to spend some quality time together, so we decided to treat ourselves at a local izakaya called "Anjjang." Since becoming parents, it has been quite challenging to find the time to visit an izakaya during dinner hours. Therefore, the expe..