아들이 할아버지댁에 혼자 놀러간 어느 날, 짝꿍이랑 둘이 저녁 먹을 겸 동네 이자카야 안짱에 갔어요 :) 아이 태어나고 이자카야 갈 일이 잘 없는데... 오랜만에 어른 둘이서 가니 술이랑 안주가 더 맛있게 느껴지더라고요☺️
My husband and I had an opportunity to spend some quality time together, so we decided to treat ourselves at a local izakaya called "Anjjang." Since becoming parents, it has been quite challenging to find the time to visit an izakaya during dinner hours. Therefore, the experience of savoring the delightful alcohol and delicious side dishes felt even more enjoyable and special.
- 위치: 서울 서대문구 통일로39길 32 (홍제동)
안짱은 최근 방영한 JTBC 드라마, 신성한 이혼의 촬영지이기도 해요. 라면집으로 꾸며져 있지만, 라면집이 아니라고 여기저기 써붙여져 있습니다ㅎㅎ
"Anjjang" is a filming location for the recently aired JTBC drama, "Divorce Attorney Shin." Despite its ramen restaurant-style decoration, numerous signs are prominently displayed to make it clear that it is not a real ramen restaurant.
내부에는 각종 일본 캐릭터 인형들과 포스터로 꾸며져 있어요. 오후 5시, 오픈 시간 맞춰서 갔더니 손님이 1팀만 있어서 굉장히 여유롭게 먹었어요.
Inside, there are various Japanese character dolls and posters. When I went there at 5 PM, right at the opening time, there was only one group of customers, so we were able to enjoy our meal in a very relaxed manner.
그날 그날 추천 메뉴가 달라지는데, 카운터 보드판에서 확인할 수 있어요. 저희는 추천 메뉴 중, 새우구이와 과카몰리 칩스를 1개 주문해보았어요.
The recommended menu changes daily, and you can find the updates on the counter board. Among the recommended dishes, we decided to order one serving of grilled shrimp and guacamole chips.
테이블에는 수저와 앞접시, 소금, 간장 등의 조미료가 준비되어있어요.
At the table, utensils, small plates, salt, soy sauce, and other condiments are prepared for your convenience.
기본찬으로 주시는 미역 무침. 참기름이 들어가서인지 고소하고 새콤해서 자꾸 집어먹게 되더라고요. 중간에 1번 리필해서 먹었습니다ㅎㅎ
They serve seasoned seaweed as a complimentary side dish. It has a rich and tangy flavor, likely due to the addition of sesame oil, which makes it quite addictive. I couldn't help but keep reaching for more. I even requested a refill once during the meal.
1인 1술 주문이 필수라, 저희는 얼그레이 하이볼을 2개 주문했어요. 저는 평소 술알못에 알쓰인데 이 날은 웬일인지, 하이볼을 한 잔 다 마셔도 얼굴이 전혀 빨개지지 않았어요. 홍차 음료처럼 맛있기만 했던 얼그레이 하이볼... 짝꿍이 아들을 맡기고 나와서 그렇다며 놀리더라고요. (사실인 거 같기도...🤭)
As it is mandatory to order one drink per person, we decided to order two Earl Grey highball cocktails. I'm not usually a heavy drinker, but surprisingly, even after finishing a highball, my face didn't turn red at all. The Earl Grey highball was simply delicious, almost like a tea beverage. My husband playfully joked that it could be because we were enjoying quality time together without our child. (Well, there might be some truth to that...)
안짱에서의 저의 최애 메뉴는 아부라 소바에요. 원래도 일본식 비빔 면요리를 좋아하는데, 함께 제공된 고추기름과 식초를 두어바퀴 돌린 후 비벼 먹으면 단짠단짠 정말 맛있더라고요.
(아부라는 일본어로 기름이었네요? 처음 알았습니다...ㅎㅎ)
My favorite dish at Anjjang is Abura Soba. I really enjoy Japanese-style mixed noodle dishes. When you mix in the provided chili oil and vinegar, it creates a deliciously savory and tangy flavor.
(BTW, I didn't know that "Abura" means "oil" in Japanese. That's interesting to learn!)
추천 메뉴였던 새우 구이와 과카몰리 칩스도 맛있었어요. 이자카야에서 멕시칸이라니, 주문할 땐 조금 생소했지만 기존 멕시칸보다 조금 더 달달한 느낌의 칠리소스가 올라가서 안주로 먹기 좋았어요.
The grilled shrimp and guacamole chips, were also delicious. It was a bit unfamiliar to order Mexican food at an izakaya, but the chili sauce had a slightly sweeter taste compared to traditional Mexican cuisine, making it a great choice for a side dish.
가장 마지막에 서빙된 명란 구이와 크림치즈. 오이와 명란이 어찌나 가지런하게 썰어져있는지 너무 정갈하더라고요. 요리들이 다 맛있어서 점심 때도 영업해주시면 좋겠다는 생각이 들 정도였어요.
자주 가진 못하지만 갈 때마다 늘 만족스러운 안짱- 코로나가 한창 심할 때는 배달도 했었는데, 요즘은 홀 방문만 가능해서 할아버지/할머니 찬스가 아니면 나오기가 힘들어서 아쉬워요. 얼른 아들 키워서 같이 다니고 싶네요 :)

The last dish served was grilled pollock roe (Myeongnan Gui) with cream cheese. The cucumber and pollock roe were neatly sliced, presenting a beautiful and organized appearance. The dishes were all so delicious that I even thought it would be great if they served them during lunchtime as well.
Every time I visit Anjjang, I am always satisfied. During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, they even offered delivery service, but now, only dine-in is allowed, making it difficult to visit with my child. It's a pity. I hope my child grows up quickly so that we can go there together :)
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