요즘 날씨가 산책하기 좋아서, 지난 주말 홍제천을 따라 걷다가 홍제 유연까지 오랜만에 둘러보았어요. 목적은 운동이었는데, 여기까지 오니 홍은사거리에 저장해뒀던 곱창집이 생각나서..... 인생곱창에서 저녁을 먹게 되었습니다 :)These days, the weather has been truly remarkable. Last weekend, I walked along Hongje stream all the way to Hongje Yuyeon. Although the initial intention was to exercise, being there reminded me of a gopchang (grilled beef intestines) restaurant I had saved in my Kakao M..