도쿄 여행이 결정되었을 때, 가장 먼저 떠오른 곳이 팀랩 플래닛과 디즈니랜드였어요. 팀랩은 서울 DDP에서도 전시한 적이 있었지만, 그때 만해도 팬데믹이었고 아이가 더 어렸을 때라 갈 엄두를 못 냈어요. 이제는 함께 즐길 수 있는 6세라 기대하며 방문했습니다 :)When I decided to visit Tokyo, the first places I wanted to go were TeamLab Planets and Disneyland. TeamLab had previously exhibited at Seoul DDP, but at that time, there was a pandemic, and my child was younger, so I wasn't able to go. Now that my ch..