동네에 새로운 가게가 생기면, 아이가 저보다 먼저 관심을 갖고 가고 싶어하더라고요. '김선생 돈까스'가 그런 식당 중 하나입니다. 오픈한지 이제 몇 달 지나긴했지만, 오픈 직후에 가족과 함께 저녁 먹으러 다녀왔었어요.When a new store opens in our neighborhood, my child is often more excited than I am and wants to visit right away. "Kim's Donkatsu" was one of those places. It’s been a few months since it opened, but we visited shortly after it first launched.위치: 서울 서대문구 통일로37길 12 (홍제동)김선생 돈..