잔파곶으로 이동하면서 점점 흐려진 날씨... 해안가 바람이 차진 않았는데 너무 많이 불더라고요.It started getting cloudy as we headed to Cape Zanpa. The coastal wind wasn’t cold, but it was quite strong.주차장에서 등대 방향으로 걸어가는 길에 있는 푸드 트럭(버스?)은 여전히 같은 곳에 자리잡고 있더라고요. 아이스크림이나 음료, 간식 등을 판매하고 있었어요.The food truck (or bus?) located along the path from the parking lot to the lighthouse was still in the same spot. They were selling ice cream, drinks..