오키나와에서의 넷째 날. 날씨가 워낙 변덕스러워서,,, 비가 안 오니 일단 수영하러 갔습니다. 스노클링도 가능한 해변을 찾다 보니, 토구치 비치라는 곳이 눈에 들어오더라고요.
The weather was so unpredictable in Okinawa, we decided to go swimming when it didn't rain. While searching for a beach suitable for swimming and snorkeling, I came across a place called Toguchi Beach.
- 위치: 9P8P+6V, Toguchi, Yomitan, Nakagami District, Okinawa 904-0315, Japan

주차장이 무료고, 샤워장은 안 보였어요. 바베큐 식당도 있고 주변에 놀이터와 공원이 있어서 아드님 좀 놀려주고 싶었는데, 아드님이 큰 흥미를 보이진 않더라고요....ㅎㅎㅎ
The parking was free, and I didn't see any shower facilities. There was also a barbecue restaurant, and since there were a playground and park nearby, I wanted to let my son play a bit. However, he didn't seem very interested...

해변의 바닷물은 계속 들어왔다가 나갔다 하는데, 바닷물이 들어오는 만조 시간대에는 아무래도 위험할 수 있어서 저희는 간조 시간에 방문했어요.
The seawater at the beach kept coming in and going out. Since it could be a bit risky during high tide when the water comes in, we visited during low tide just to be safe.

정말 먼 곳까지 걸어 나갈 수 있을 정도로 바닷물이 빠져나가서 신기했어요. 물고기 채집을 하는 가족들도 종종 볼 수 있었습니다.
It was fascinating to see the seawater recede so much that you could walk out to a considerable distance. We also occasionally spotted kids engaged in collecting tropical fish.

참 맑고 깨끗한 오키나와 바다 :) 산호와 해초가 많아서 아쿠아슈즈는 필수예요.
The Okinawa sea water is so clear and clean! With plenty of coral and seaweed around, I was glad I brought my aqua shoes.

물이 그나마 깊은 스팟을 정해서, 셀프 스노클링을 살짝 해봤어요. 수영을 못하는 건 아닌데, 바닷속을 보는 건 왜인지 괜히 무섭더라고요. 날씨도 조금 썰렁하고, 수영을 못하는 아이는 무서워해서... 1시간 정도 놀고 철수했던 것 같아요.
I chose a spot with relatively deeper water and tried a bit of self-snorkeling. While I knew how to swim, for some reason, looking underwater felt a bit scary. The weather was also a bit chilly, and my child, who couldn't swim, seemed a bit frightened. So we played for about an hour and then decided to leave.

여기서는 파란 물고기와 흰색 검정 줄무늬 물고기를 볼 수 있었답니다. 색이 어쩜 저리 선명한지 정말 신기했어요. 수중 촬영은 실패...
Here, I could see blue fish and white-black striped fish. The colors were amazingly vivid. But I failed to capture them on video underwater.

불가사리도 있었고요. 날씨가 쨍했다면, 뭔가 더 에메랄드빛 바닷속을 볼 수 있었을 것 같은데 아쉬웠어요. 시간이 지날수록 아이가 덜덜 떨며 너무 추워해서 황급히 수건으로 감싸서 호텔로 돌아왔습니다.
I also saw a starfish. If the weather had been clearer, I think I could have seen something more like an emerald sea. Too bad it wasn't as sunny as yesterday. As time passed, my child shivered more and more, so we wrapped him in a towel and returned to the hotel.
햇살이 더 따뜻했다면 좋았겠지만, 오키나와의 해변을 짧게 즐기고 온 것에 만족해야했어요. 그 다음날 날씨가 흐렸다면 덜 아쉬웠을텐데, 마지막 날 날씨가 진짜 최고 좋았다는 사실.........
We briefly enjoyed the beach that day. If the weather had been cloudy during the remaining days of our trip, I might have felt less regretful. However, the fact that the weather was truly fantastic on the last day made me kind of sad...
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