지난주 안국역에서 오랜만에 친구를 만났어요. 점심 같이 먹으려고 만난 건데, 어딜갈까 고민하다가 다운타우너 버거집에 방문했습니다 :) 노티드 도넛 매장 우측 좁은 골목에 입구가 있었어요. 알고 보니 다운타우너가 노티드 도넛이랑 같은 회사(GFFG)더라고요.
뉴스 기사 보니 다운타우너는 매각을 추진하고 있던데 잘 되고 있나 모르겠네요...
Last week, I met a friend at Anguk Station. We had lunch at Downtowner, a premium burger restaurant. It was located in a narrow alley next to the Knotted Donut shop. Interestingly, Downtowner and Knotted Donut are part of the same company.
- 위치: 서울 종로구 북촌로 6-4 1층 (재동)
아무튼...🙂 저희는 오픈 시간에 맞춰서 도착했어요. 오전 11시 오픈인데, 2팀 정도 기다리고 있더라고요. 평일이라 그런지 생각보다 많이 붐비진 않았어요.
We arrived at 11 a.m., and there were about two groups ahead of us waiting. It wasn't as crowded as I expected, perhaps because it was a weekday.
궁세권에 위치한 매장이라 그런지, 기와지붕과 한옥 스타일로 한국의 미를 살린 인테리어로 꾸며놨어요.
Due to the location in a prestigious area, the restaurant was decorated with a traditional Korean aesthetics, featuring tiled roofs and hanok-style interior.
그리고 좌식 테이블이 딱 1개 있었어요. 방송 촬영용인가? 싶었어요. 혹은 반려견 동반시 이용가능한 좌석?🤔 나머지는 다 탁식이었습니다.
There was one floor seating table, which made me wonder if it was for filming purposes or if it was a seating option for customers with accompanying pets. 🤔 The rest of the seating arrangements were regular dining tables.
입구에는 굿즈도 전시되어 있어요.
There were also goods displayed at the entrance.
피클과 물, 물티슈는 셀프입니다. 피클이 오리지널과 스파이시 두 종류로 준비되어 있었어요.
You can help yourself with pickles, water, and wet wipes at the self-service corner. The pickles were available in two varieties: original and spicy.
버거 종류가 10개가 넘지만, 가장 시그니처 메뉴인 아보카도 버거랑 오리지널 프라이즈로 주문했어요.
There were over 10 types of burgers available, but I ordered the most signature menu item, the Avocado Burger, along with the original fries.
감자튀김은 바삭바삭- 맛있었습니다. 혹시나 느끼할까 봐 오리지널을 주문한 건데, 아보카도 햄버거가 담백해서 갈릭 버터나 치즈 감튀를 먹어도 될뻔 했어요.
The french fries were crispy and delicious. I ordered the original fries to avoid the greasy taste, but the Avocado Burger was so light and flavorful that I could have easily enjoyed it with garlic butter or cheese fries.
재료가 정갈하게 들어간 아보카도 버거. 빵도 쫀득하니 맛있고 야채도 신선해서 왜 프리미엄 수제버거라고 하는지 알겠더라고요. 길티함이 전혀 없는 맛이었어요.
The ingredients are so neatly arranged inside the burger. The bread was soft and delicious, and the vegetables were fresh. I could understand why it is referred to as a premium handmade burger; it had a guilt-free taste that was truly satisfying.

평소 버거를 좋아하는 저는 매우 만족스럽게 먹었어요! 다음에 또 방문하게 된다면 트러플 버거와 갈릭 버터 감튀 조합으로 먹어보고 싶어요 :)
As someone who generally enjoys burgers, I was extremely satisfied with the meal! If I have the opportunity to visit again, I would love to try the combination of truffle burger and garlic butter fries.
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