부산에 도착해서 먹은 첫 음식은 '회'였어요. [해운마루]는 해운대 해변을 따라 달맞이길 쪽으로 쭉 걸어가면 나오는 횟집입니다 :)
The first food I had when I arrived in Busan was '회' (Korean-style sashimi). [Haewoonmaru] is a sashimi restaurant that you can find by walking along the beachside road in Haeundae.
- 위치: 부산 해운대구 달맞이길62번길 65 1층
저희가 묵었던 해운대 이비스 앰배서더 호텔에서 도보로 약 25분 거리인데, 공기도 맑고 날씨가 좋아서 바다 구경하며 걸어도 힘들지가 않았어요.
The restaurant was about a 25-minute walk from our hotel (The Ibis Ambassador Hotel Haeundae), but the weather was so nice, I enjoyed the sea view while I was walking.
저희는 예약을 별도로 안해서 안쪽 룸에서 식사를 하였는데요, 여기는 바다를 바라보며 먹을 수 있는 테라스석이 명당이더라고요.
저녁 식사는 코스로만 가능하여, 스페셜 코스로 주문했어요. (1인당 60,000원)
*스페셜 코스 구성: 모듬회(참돔, 농어, 광어, 우럭 총 4종), 모듬 해산물 5종, 스끼다시, 물회, 튀김, 생선구이, 매운탕
We didn't make a reservation, so we had our meal in a private room inside the restaurant. However, I heard that the terrace seats with a view of the ocean are highly coveted. For dinner, only a course menu was available, so we ordered the special course which cost 60,000 won per person.
*Special Course Composition: Assorted raw fish(sashimi), five kinds of seafood, a variety of side dishes, water-based cold fish soup, tempura(fried dishes), grilled fish, and spicy warm fish stew.
아이와 같이 식사하다보니, 생선구이와 계란찜은 아이 쪽에 배치해주셨어요. 감사하게 아이 공기밥 1개는 서비스로 주셨어요 :)
The staff placed the grilled fish and steamed egg on my child's side, since he couldn't eat raw food yet. I appreciated that they also provided a complimentary bowl of rice for my child.
음식이 처음 서빙될 때, 갓 구운 김치전을 앞접시 위에 올려주셨는데 따뜻하고 바삭하니 맛있었어요.
When the food was first served, they placed a freshly baked kimchi pancake on a small plate. It was so delicious, as it was warm and crispy.
회는 기호에 따라 간장, 초장, 쌈장에 따라 찍어먹을 수 있어요. 저는 개인적으로 쌈장이 제일 맛있었어요!
You can eat sashimi with soy sauce, vinegar and chili paste according to your preference. Personally, I liked it with ssamjang (a Korean dipping sauce made with soybean paste and chili paste).
모듬해산물 중 가장 기억에 남았던 건 탕탕이에요. 잘라놔도 꼼지락거리는 모습이 신기했어요. 입안에 달라붙을까 걱정스러웠는데 먹기 수월하더라고요. 재료가 신선하고 요리는 감칠맛 나서, 스끼다시는 다 맛있게 먹었어요.
The most memorable among the assorted seafood was the tang-tang-i (raw octopus). Even though it was all cut up, it was amazing to see it wriggling around. I was worried it might stick to the inside of my mouth, but it was easy to eat. I enjoyed all of the side dishes provided.
물회도 먹기 편하게 개인 접시에 덜어주셨는데 비리지 않고 새콤달콤하니 맛있었어요.
They also served the mulhoe(spicy but cold raw fish soup) in individual bowls, which made it easy to eat without spilling. It was tangy and sweet and tasted delicious.
푸짐하게 서빙된 모듬회. 전 뱃살을 좋아하는데, 딱 3점만 나와서 아쉬웠어요. 먹는 순서는 흰살생선 -> 빨간살 생선이라고 설명해주셨는데 저는 그냥 손이 가는 대로 먹었습니다 :)
A generous serving of sashimi. I particularly like the fatty belly part of the fish, but unfortunately, there were only 3 pieces served. The server recommended to eat the white-fleshed fish first and then the red-fleshed, but I just ate them in whatever order I felt like.
회는 그대로 초장에 찍어먹어도 되지만, 초밥을 만들어 먹어도 맛있어요.
모듬회가 나올 때 치자밥과 김치가 제공되는데, 밥 위에 회/김치 순서로 올리고 간장에 찍어먹으면 별미더라고요. 김치는 [해운마루]에서 직접 담았다고 해요. 많이 맵지도 짜지도 않고, 회랑 잘 어울리는 맛이었어요.
You could enjoy sashimi by dipping it in soy sauce, but it also tastes great when made into sushi.
When the assorted sashimi was served, they also provided steamed rice and kimchi. I found it delicious to place the sashimi and kimchi on top of the rice and eat it by dipping it in the soy sauce. They said the kimchi was made directly at Haewoonmaru, and it had a taste that was not too spicy or salty and matched well with the sashimi.

회를 어느정도 먹고나면 튀김과 매운탕도 제공되는데, 밥 안 먹는 아드님 떠먹이느라 정신이 없어서 사진을 남기진 못했어요. 매운탕이 개운하게 입가심하기 좋은 맛이었던 기억만 남네요.
After eating some of the sashimi, they also served us tempura and spicy fish stew. I was too busy feeding my child who wasn't enjoying the long course meal, so I couldn't take any pictures. I just remember the spicy stew had a refreshing taste.

식사를 마치고 나오니, 눈 앞에 해운대 야경이 멋지게 펼쳐져 있더라고요. 바다를 바라보며 하는 식사는 어땠을까 궁금하긴 하네요.
다음에 부산을 또 가게 된다면 그 땐 꼭 테라스석에서 식사야겠어요 :)
It was impressive to see the beautiful night view of Haeundae Beach right in front of us after finishing the meal. I wonder how it would have been to enjoy the food while looking at the ocean view :)
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