2주 전쯤, 언니를 만나러 공덕동에 다녀왔어요. 오랜만에 둘이서 밥먹기로 했는데, 우동이요이요 2호점이 가까운 곳에 오픈했다길래 찾아갔습니다 :)
About two weeks ago, I went to Gongdeok-dong to meet my sister. I heard that Udon Iyoyo 2nd Branch had opened nearby, so we went to have lunch together.
- 위치: 서울 마포구 백범로 152 (공덕파크자이아파트 상가 1층)
오전 11시 10분 오픈인데, 20분 쯤 도착하니 다행히 자리가 있었어요. 주문 후 기다리면서 보니 11시 30분 부터는 웨이팅이 생기더라고요. 이날 타이밍 좋게 도착했던 것 같아요. 그래도 회전율이 빠른 편이라 대기 시간이 길어보이진 않았어요.
I arrived around 11:20 A.M., and luckily there was a table available. While waiting for our order, I noticed that there was a waiting list starting from 11:30. It seemed like we had arrived at a good time. However, since the turnover rate was fast, the waiting time didn't seem too long.
주문은 입구의 키오스크에서 셀프로 진행해야합니다.
You need to place your order at the self-service kiosk located at the entrance.
테이블에는 물과 컵, 앞접시 등이 있고요,
There were water, cups and small plates on the table.
수저와 티슈는 테이블 옆 서랍에 들어있어요.
Spoons, chopsticks and tissues are in a drawer located on the side of the table.
주문한 메뉴 중, 따뜻한 니꾸우동이 가장 먼저 나왔어요. 소고기가 두툼하게 토핑되어있어 아주 든든한 느낌의 우동이었어요.
Among the dishes we ordered, the hot Beef Udon came out first. It had thickly sliced beef as a topping.
우동이요이요의 시그니처 메뉴 납작우동은 안 시킬수가 없죠 :) 인기 메뉴라 그런지, 1테이블당 1개만 주문 가능합니다. 넓적한 접시에 납작한 면이 1장씩 가지런히 놓여 있는데, 시간이 지나도 면끼리 들러붙지도 않고 탱글탱글함이 유지돼서 신기하더라고요.
If you visit Udon Iyoyo, you have to order the Flat Udon. It's a signature menu, and also a very popular dish, so you can only order one dish per table. The flat noodles were neatly arranged on a large plate. It was impressive because even as time passed, they didn't stick together and maintained their chewiness.
면을 1개 집어들고 쯔유 소스에 푹 다궜다가 먹으면 되는데요,
You just need to pick up one noodle and dip it into the tsuyu sauce before eating it.
저는 면이 자꾸 미끄러져서, 숟가락 위에 올려서 호로록 먹었어요. 워낙 독특한 면과 식감이라 집에 돌아와서도 한 번씩 생각나는 메뉴에요.

Since the noodles kept slipping out of my chopsticks, I ended up placing them on my spoon and eating them that way. The texture and uniqueness of the noodles were so memorable that I found myself thinking about the dish even after returning home.
우동 2개로는 입이 심심할까봐 고로케도 주문했어요. 우측 상단의 소스에 찍어먹으면 되는데, 겉바속촉 정말 맛있었습니다.
Since we thought two bowls of udon wouldn't be enough, we also ordered two pieces of croquette. You just need to dip them in the sauce and enjoy! The crispy texture was really delicious.
2주 전에 먹은거라 안에 뭐가 들었는지는 기억이 가물가물하네요🫠
I don't quite remember what the ingredients were inside the croquette, but it was definitely satisfying.
저희가 주문했던 메뉴 외에도, 명란버터우동/자루우동 등 먹어보고 싶은 메뉴가 많았던지라... 다음에 또 공덕 갈 일이 생기면 오픈런 해야겠어요 :)
Besides the dishes we ordered, there were many other menu items I wanted to try, such as Butter Udon or Zaru Udon. So if I ever have the chance to go to Gongdeok-dong again, I'd love to visit Udon Iyoyo again :)
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