얼마 전에 동네 친구에게 작아진 아이옷을 몇 개 물려주었는데, 고맙다는 답례로 오설록 프리미엄 티 컬렉션을 선물로 주더라고요🥹 오설록 티가 유명하다는 건 당연히 알고 있었지만, 선물세트도 참 예쁘게 잘 나와서 포스팅해보아요 :)
A few weeks ago, I gave some of my child's small clothes to a friend in the neighborhood. As a gesture of gratitude, my friend gave me the Osulloc Premium Tea Collection as a gift. Although I was already familiar with the famous reputation of Osulloc tea, the gift set was so beautiful that I decided to feature it on my blog.
초록색 리본이 예쁘게 묶여져 있었는데, 풀고 나서 사진 생각이 나버렸어요.

The green ribbon was tied beautifully, but I only remembered to take a picture after untying it...
총 8개 종류의 티가 들어있는데요, 녹차류 4종(스윗부케향 티, 제주 유채&꿀 티, 제주 난꽃향 티, 제주 순수녹차)과 발효차 4종(제주 삼다 영귤 티, 제주 동백꽃 티, 제주 삼다 꿀배 티, 제주 화산우롱차)으로 구성되어있어요.
The set contains eight different types of tea. Four types of green tea(Sweet Bouquet Tea, Jeju Canola Flower & Honey Tea, Jeju Orchid Green Tea, Jeju Pure Green Tea) and four types of fermented tea(Jeju Samdayeon Tangerine Tea, Jeju Camellia Flower Tea, Jeju Samdayeon Honey Pear Tea, Jeju Volcanic Oolong Tea).
선물세트 뒷면에는 각 티의 풍미에 대한 설명과 원재료, 함량에 대한 표기도 자세히 되어있어요. 그날그날 기분에 따라, 혹은 취향에 따라 골라 마시기 좋아요.
You can find detailed descriptions of the flavor, ingredients and contents of each tea on the back of the gift set. It's a great selection to choose from depending on your mood or preference.
저는 이날 기운이 좀 떨어져서 제주 유채&꿀 티를 골라보았어요. 노랑노랑한 박스가 왠지 에너지를 줄 거 같은 느낌 :)
I was feeling a little low that day, so I decided to try the Jeju Canola Flower & Honey Tea. The yellow box somehow gave me a feeling that it would give me energy.
박스 옆면에도 테이스팅 노트(유채&꿀 티의 경우 살구, 꽃 향, 꿀 향미네요.)와 티 우리는 방법이 적혀있어요. 녹차류 티백은 70도 정도의 온수로, 1분 30초 우려내는 걸 추천하네요. 저는 아무생각없이 주전자에 팔팔 끓인물로 늘 우렸었는데 그렇게 하면 안되었었군요...
On the side of the box, there are also tasting notes (for example, for the Jeju Canola Flower & Honey Tea, it has notes of apricot, flowery, and honey) and instructions on how to brew the tea. For green tea, it recommends to brew the tea bags in water at around 70 degrees Celsius for 90 seconds. I used to steep my tea bags in boiling water without much thought, but I learned that it's not the recommended way.
티백은 종류별로 5개씩 들어있어요. (총 40개 구성) 다 종이 포장인 점도 마음에 들었어요.
Each type of tea has 5 tea bags. (So the gift set has a total of 40 tea bags.) I also liked that they are individually wrapped in paper.
1분 30초 정도 우려내니, 밝은 녹차 컬러가 보였어요. 우려내는 티에서 달달한 기분좋은 향기도 나서 신기하더라고요. 이날 많이 피곤하고 몸살 기운도 약간 있었는데, 따뜻하게 한잔 마시니 정말 좋았어요.
After brewing for about 90 seconds, the bright color of the green tea appeared. The tea had a very sweet aroma. I was feeling quite tired and a little under the weather that day. But after drinking a warm cup of tea, I felt much better.
발효차는 우려내니 녹차와 달리 갈색빛이었어요.
짝궁도 어제 오늘 감기몸살 기운이 있다길래 삼다 꿀배 티를 우려줬더니, 향긋하니 좋다고 하더라고요.
Unlike green tea, the fermented tea had a brown color. Today my husband also seemed a bit sick with cold symptoms, so I brewed him a cup of Samdayeon Honey Pear Tea. He said he enjoyed the sweet fragrant aroma.

커피를 잘 못 마시는 분들에게 선물하기에도 정말 좋은 세트라, 저도 나중에 선물할 일 생기면 많이 활용해야겠습니다 :)
This tea collection would be a perfect alternative for those who are not coffee drinkers. And with the variety of flavors in the set, there's something for everyone. It's always good to have a nice gift option on hand, and this tea collection would definitely be a thoughtful and enjoyable gift.
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