오늘도 티스토리 오블완 챌린지를 홍보하며, 포스팅 시작 :)
작심삼주 오블완 챌린지
오늘 블로그 완료! 21일 동안 매일 블로그에 글 쓰고 글력을 키워보세요.
정말 정말 오랜만에 먹어본 한우대창구이. 짝꿍이 웬일로 주말에 오발탄에 밥 먹으러 가자고 하더라고요. 오발탄은 직장인들 점심식사 혹은 회식자리의 성지인데, 주말에 가니 정말 한산했습니다.
(*종로점은 주말 중 토요일만 영업하고, 일요일은 휴무라고 공지되어 있어요. 혹시 방문하실 분들은 미리 확인해 보고 가시는 걸 추천드려요!)
- 위치: 서울 종로구 우정국로 26 센트로폴리스 지하 2층 SKY31 FOOD AVENUE
Last summer, my husband unexpectedly suggested going to Obaltan for dinner. It had been ages since I last had grilled Hanwoo daechang (Korean beef intestines), so I was thrilled. Obaltan is typically bustling with office workers at lunchtime or for company gatherings, but it was really quiet when we went on the weekend.
(*Just a note: the Jongno branch is open on Saturdays but closed on Sundays, so be sure to check the schedule if you plan to visit!)
저희는 센트로폴리스 건물 지하 2층에 위치한 오발탄 종로점에 방문했어요. 예약을 미리 했지만, 주말에 굳이 예약할 필요는 없겠더라고요. 자리가 텅텅 비어있었어요.
We visited the Obaltan Jongno branch, located on the basement level 2 of the Centropolis building. Although we made a reservation in advance, it turned out that there was no need to book ahead on the weekend. The place was practically empty.
주문 후, 빠르게 세팅해 주신 밑반찬들. 개인용 소스 그릇과 샐러드가 나오고요.
After we ordered, the side dishes were quickly set up. The staff brought out individual sauce dishes and a salad.
살얼음이 띄워진 시원한 물김치도 한 접시 나왔어요.
They also served a plate of refreshing cold kimchi soup with bits of ice floating in it.
개인적으로 상큼하니 맛있었던 천엽 샐러드. 맛있다고 하니 직원분이 한 접시 더 주셨어요 :)
Personally, I really enjoyed the cheonyeop (raw tripe) salad. When I mentioned how good it was, the staff kindly brought us an extra plate.
아이가 좋아하는 마카로니 샐러드도 나오고.
They also served macaroni salad, which is a favorite of my child.
아삭한 연근 무침도 나왔어요.
Crispy marinated lotus root was also served.
구이로는 특양구이 1인분과 한우대창구이 2인분을 주문했어요. (1인분당 각 43,000원 / 42,000원)
We ordered one serving of grilled Teukyang (ox mountain chain tripe) and two servings of grilled Hanwoo daechang (beef large intestines).
직원분이 구워주시고, 먹기 좋게 잘라주셔서 편하더라고요. 아이도 이제 양구이를 어느 정도 먹을 수 있다는 걸 알았고요.
The staff grilled the food for us and cut it into bite-sized pieces, which made it convenient. I also realized that my child could eat a decent amount of the grilled tripe now.
육즙이 줄줄 흐르는 대창구이. 양념장에 콕 찍어서 야채와 함께 먹으면 너무 고소하고 맛있어요.
The grilled daechang was juicy and flavorful. Dipping it in the sauce and enjoying it with the vegetables made it incredibly delicious.
구이를 다 먹은 후, 양밥도 2인분 주문했습니다.
After finishing the grilled dishes, we ordered two servings of Yang Bab (Pan fried rice with ox mountain chain tripe).
깍두기와 양이 큼직하게 썰어져, 맛있더라고요.
The radish kimchi (kkakdugi) was cut into large pieces, and it was quite tasty.
후식으로는 팥빙수도 나왔어요. 원래 식사 후 입가심으로 빙수 먹으러 갈까 했었는데, 그럴 필요가 없더라고요.
For dessert, they served patbingsu (shaved ice with red beans). We originally planned to go out for bingsu after our meal, but it turned out we didn't need to.
오랜만에 먹으니 정말 맛있었던 대창구이! 이렇게 먹으면 15만원 정도 훌쩍 나오지만... 한번씩 먹고 싶은 메뉴 중 하나입니다.
The grilled daechang was truly delicious, especially since I hadn’t had it in a long time! While it is quite pricey, it’s definitely one of those dishes I crave from time to time.
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