제주도에서는 '토스카나 호텔'에서 숙박을 했는데요. 더 시에나 리조트 회원권으로 간거라 식사는 주로 더 시에나 리조트 지하 1층에 위치한, 일 캄포(IL CAMPO)에서 했습니다.
In Jeju Island, we stayed at the 'Toscana Hotel.' Since we went using a membership from The Siena Resort, we usually dined at Il Campo, located on the basement level (B1) of The Siena Resort.
- 위치: 제주특별자치도 서귀포시 용흥로66번길 158-8 GL층 (강정동)
일 캄포는 오전에는 조식 뷔페, 저녁에 해산물 뷔페로 운영되며, 매주 금/토요일 저녁에는 참치해체쇼도 진행하고 있어요. 조식은 별도 예약이 필요 없었으나, 석식은 예약이 필수에요.
Il Campo serves a breakfast buffet in the morning and a seafood buffet in the evening. On Friday and Saturday evenings, a tuna carving show is also featured. While no reservation is needed for breakfast, dinner reservations are required.
테이블에는 산펠레그리노 아쿠아파나 생수가 준비되어있어요. 비싼 물이라고 열심히 다 마셨던 기억이 나네요...ㅎㅎ
San Pellegrino Aqua Panna bottled water is provided on the table. I remember making sure to drink it all since it’s such an expensive brand!
식사하다보니 2인당 이렇게 생긴 2단 트레이도 서빙 되더라고요. 신선한 회를 맛볼 수 있었습니다.
During the meal, a two-tier tray like this was served for every two guests, offering fresh and delicious sashimi to enjoy.
저녁 6시, 시작하는 시간 맞춰서 입장했더니, 음식이 새로 셋팅되어있어 사진 찍기가 참 좋았어요. 조식도 맛있게 먹었지만, 디너는 메뉴 종류가 훨씬 많고 퀄리티가 높더라고요. 입구부터 디저트류가 있었는데, 저 초코 케이크 정말 맛있었어요.
We entered right at 6 P.M. when dinner service began, so the freshly set-up dishes made it perfect for taking photos. While breakfast was enjoyable, dinner had a much wider variety of dishes and noticeably higher quality. Starting from the entrance, there was a selection of desserts, and that chocolate cake was absolutely delicious!
한입에 쏙쏙 넣을 수 있는 미니 디저트와 빵도 있고.
There were also mini desserts and breads that were perfect for popping into your mouth in one bite.
샐러드바에도 신선한 야채, 다양한 드레싱, 그리고 과일이 준비되어있었어요.
The salad bar featured fresh vegetables, a variety of dressings, and an assortment of fruits.
음료는 커피 머신과 주스, 오설록 티백 등이 준비되어있고. 조식 시간에 운영하던, 과일 착즙기는 없었습니다.
The beverage selection included a coffee machine, juice, and O’sulloc tea bags. However, the fruit juicer that was available during breakfast time was not there.
정수기 옆에는 와인바가 있어서, 와인도 무제한으로 마실 수 있어요. 저는 이 때 감기 기운으로 마시지 못한게 너무 아쉬워요.
Next to the water dispenser, there was a wine bar offering unlimited wine. I was really disappointed that I couldn't enjoy any because I was feeling a bit under the weather at the time.
와인과 곁들여먹을 수 있는 햄과 치즈류도 있고, 제가 좋아하는 훈제 연어도 있었어요.
There were also various meats and cheeses to pair with the wine, along with smoked salmon, which is one of my favorites.
굽고 튀긴 해산물 요리들도 있었는데, 랍스타 치즈 구이는 인기가 많아서 금방금방 없어지더라고요.
There were also seafood dishes that were grilled and fried. The Grilled Lobster with Cheese was particularly popular and disappeared quickly.
스시 코너도 있었고.
There was also a sushi corner.
반찬처럼 먹을 수 있는 참치 회무침, 해파리 냉채 등도 한식 코너 옆에 있었어요.
Next to the Korean food corner, there were dishes like Tuna Sashimi Salad and Jellyfish Salad, which you could enjoy as side dishes.
국/스프는 된장국, 고메기 미역국, 게살 샥스핀 수프 등등 총 4가지 준비되어 있었고.
There was also a selection of soups and broths.
몸을 든든하게 보신할 수 있는 장어구이와,
There was also Grilled Eel,
크림 전복 리조또,
Cream Abalone Risotto,
그리고 맛있는 LA갈비도 준비되어 있었어요.
And Grilled Marinated Galbi.
밥은 흰 밥과 잡곡밥 두 가지가 있었고요.
There were two types of rice: White Rice and Mixed Grain Rice.
조식 시간의 과일 착즙기가 있던 자리에는 로스트 비프와,
In the area where the fruit juicer was during breakfast, there was now Roast Beef,
조개찜, 홍합찜, 대개찜이 있었어요. 엄청 푸짐하죠?
There were Steamed Clams, Mussels, and Snow Crabs.
회 코너도 따로 있었고.
There was also Sashimi.
카나페 메뉴들도 있었어요. 바다의 푸아그라인, 안키모를 보니 괜히 반갑더라고요. (아는 식재료라고..🤣)
There was also a variety of canapés. Seeing 'ankimo', often referred to as the foie gras of the sea, was a pleasant surprise.
롤도 있었는데 해산물뿐만 아니라 육회, 불고기 메밀 롤 등이 있어서 정말 다양하게 즐길 수 있었어요.
There were options like Korean-style Raw Beef Rolls, Bulgog Buckwheat Rolls, so you could enjoy a really diverse selection.
여행하며 조식 뷔페도 아침마다 이용했는데, 나중에 비교 포스팅도 올려보겠습니다 :)
I also went to the breakfast buffet every morning during my stay in Jeju, so I'll be posting about it later on.
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