진짜진짜 오랜만에 상수동에 다녀왔어요. 올해 초에 이사갈까 고민했던 동네인데, 집 보러 오는 사람이 전혀 없네요...ㅜㅎㅎㅎ 대학생 때 종종 놀러 가던 홍대 뒤쪽은 생각보다 한산하더라고요.
During a holiday, I visited Sangsu-dong. It's the neighborhood I had considered moving to earlier this year, but things didn't unfold as I had hoped. The area behind Hongdae, where I used to frequently hang out during my college days, turned out to be quieter than I had expected.
식사 후 디저트를 먹으러 밀가루 인쇄소라는 카페에 갔어요.
After dinner, I went to a cafe called "Flour Print Shop" to have dessert.
- 위치: 서울 마포구 와우산로10길 40 (상수동)
밀가루 인쇄소는 걸그룹 비비지(VIVIZ), 여자친구의 멤버인 엄지(본명 김예원)님 생일을 맞아 생일 카페로 운영이 되고 있었어요. 여자친구로 데뷔했을 때 팀 막내라 마냥 어리다고 생각했는데 벌써 아가씨가 되었네요. 이렇게 꾸며진 생카는 처음 가보았답니다.
The cafe was being operated as a birthday cafe to celebrate the birthday of Umji (real name Kim Yewon), a member of the girl group VIVIZ and formerly GFRIEND. When she debuted as a member of GFRIEND, she was the youngest of the team, and now she has already grown up. This elaborately decorated birthday cafe was something I had never experienced before.
카페 내부는 엄지님 사진과 굿즈로 꾸며져 있었어요. 참고로 엄지님 생일은 8월 19일이에요!
The interior of the cafe was adorned with photos of Umji and various merchandise. Her birthday is August 19th.
팬들이 사진 찍을 수 있는 포토존도 마련되어 있고, 소품도 아기자기하게 많이 있었어요.
The cafe was filled with charming little props and decorations. There was also a photo zone where fans could take pictures.
메뉴는 무심한 듯 감각적인 손글씨로 다 써져 있었어요.
생카 행사 관련해서 세트 특전, 일반 특전이라고 쓰여있는 메뉴도 있었는데, 엄지님 굿즈가 포함된 구성인 거 같았어요. 럭키 드로우 행사도 있고- 마흔을 바라보는 아줌마는 이런 곳이 신기방기.
The menu was written in a casual yet artistic handwriting. There were menu items labeled as "Set Specials" and "Regular Specials" related to the birthday event, and it seemed like Umji's merchandise was included in the offerings. There was also a lucky draw event for the fans. Since I had never been to a birthday cafe before, everything appeared fascinating and new to me.
저녁에 방문했더니 쇼케이스에 메뉴가 4개 정도 남아있었는데, 말차 쇼콜라와 바나나 푸딩을 골라보았어요. 메뉴들이 많이 달지 않고 정말 맛있더라고요.
When I visited in the evening, there were about four menu items left. I chose to have the matcha chocolat and banana pudding. The menu selection wasn't extensive, but the items I tried were really tasty.
비스켓과 푸딩, 바나나가 듬뿍 들어있는데 진짜 맛있어요. 카페 배경음악으로는 계속 비비지와 여자친구의 노래가 흘러나왔답니다 :)
The banana pudding was generously filled with biscuits, pudding, and banana. The sweetness was perfectly balanced, making it truly delicious. As a backdrop, songs from both VIVIZ and GFRIEND played continuously in the cafe.
낮에 카페인을 마셔서 음료는 따뜻한 레몬티를 한 잔 주문했어요. 아이와 함께 방문했더니 사장님께서 우유도 한 잔 서비스로 주셔서, 정말 감사했어요🙏 ❤️
I ordered a cup of warm lemon tea since I had coffee earlier in the day. As I visited with a child, the owner kindly provided a complimentary glass of milk, which was really appreciated.
아담한 공간이지만, 디저트 맛이 정말 훌륭해서 가까이 살았다면 자주 먹으러 가게 될 것 같아요. 비비즈 엄지님 팬이라면 8월 19일 이전에 들러보시는 것도 추천드려요 :)
Despite its compact size, the dessert offerings are truly excellent. If I lived close by, I would likely become a frequent visitor.
And for fans of Umji, I'd recommend stopping by before August 19th as well :)
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