구글맵으로 저녁 먹을 곳을 찾다가, 호텔로 돌아가는 길에 평점이 좋은 곳을 찾았어요. (무려 4.6🤩) 홋카이도 출신 부부가 하는 식당이었는데 연어알 덮밥이 눈에 띄더라고요. 생선구이가 메인 메뉴 같았지만, 저는 연어알 덮밥이 먹고 싶어서 방문했습니다 :)
While searching for a place to have dinner, I found a highly-rated place on the way back to the hotel. It was a restaurant run by a couple from Hokkaido. Although grilled fish seemed to be the main dish, the salmon caviar rice bowl caught my eye.
- 위치: 2663-1 Yamada, Onna, Kunigami District, Okinawa 904-0416, Japan
오후 6시면 해가 져서 깜깜한 오키나와. 식당 앞에는 주차공간도 있어요.
As the sun sets before 6 P.M., it was already dark when we arrived. Fortunately, there is a parking space in front of the restaurant, so parking was not a concern.
아이와 함께 방문하니, 어린이용 컵은 손잡이가 달린 걸로 준비해 주셨어요.
Since I visited with a child, they provided a cup with a handle.
자리는 좌식과 탁식 두 종류가 있는데, 저희는 좌식 테이블에 앉았어요. 테이블에는 메뉴와 티슈, 물티슈가 준비되어 있었습니다. 메뉴에 알파벳이 적혀있어서, 알파벳을 알려달라고 하시더라고요.
The seating options include both traditional low tables and regular tables. We chose the low table seating. The table was set with menus, tissues, and wet wipes. Since the menu had items labeled with alphabets, the staff asked us to specify our order using the corresponding alphabet.
메뉴별 가격표는 벽에 이렇게 붙어있습니다. 식사가 나오기까지 시간이 걸린다는 후기가 있었는데, 급할 건 없어서 천천히 기다렸어요..ㅎㅎ
The price list for each menu is displayed on the wall like this. There were reviews mentioning that the food takes some time to be served, but we weren't in a rush, so we waited patiently.
제거 먹고 싶었던 연어알 덮밥! 홋카이도 여행 가서 먹으면 더 맛있겠지만, 일본 다른 지역에서라도 맛볼 수 있어 좋았습니다 :)
This is the salmon caviar rice bowl I had been eager to try! While enjoying it in Hokkaido might have been even more delightful, the experience of savoring it in another region of Japan was still quite satisfying.
색감 예쁘죠. 밥 위에 소복이 쌓인 연어알 :)
The fresh salmon roe is piled neatly on top of the rice.
밥도 새콤달콤한 간이 되어있고, 연어알도 짭조름하더라고요. 입안에서 톡톡 터지는 맛이 좋았어요. 잠시나마 홋카이도에 있는 느낌ㅎ 아이는 연어알 식감이 어색했는지, 밥과 계란만 가져가서 먹더라고요.
The rice had a sweet and tangy flavor, and the salmon roe was quite salty. The bursting sensation in the mouth was delightful. It made me feel like I was briefly in Hokkaido. However, my child found the texture of the salmon roe a bit unfamiliar, so he ate only the rice and egg.
따뜻한 장국도 같이 나왔어요.
It also came with a warm miso soup.
사이드 메뉴로 가리비 버터 구이도 주문해보았어요. 버터향이 고소하고 짭짤했습니다.
I also ordered grilled butter scallops as a side dish. The buttery flavor was rich and savory.
짝꿍은 고등어구이를 주문했는데요, 우리나라 생선구이랑 크게 다르지 않았어요. 밥과 장국, 반찬이 세 종류 같이 나왔어요.
My husband ordered grilled mackerel, and it was similar to grilled fish served in Korea. It came with rice, warm soup, and three side dishes.
고등어가 정말 바삭바삭하게 맛있게 구워져 나왔어요. 여기저기 돌아다니느라 피곤한 하루였는데, 따뜻한 밥 한 끼를 먹으니 피로가 풀리는 느낌이었어요. 역시 한국 사람은 밥을 먹어야 하나봅니다 :)
The mackerel had a crispy and delicious texture. It was a busy day, traveling here and there, but after having a warm bowl of rice, I felt a sense of fatigue relief.
이렇게 오키나와에서의 2일차 끝!
And that wraps up the second day in Okinawa!
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